The hot tub was delivered by Sean this afternoon and what a job that was getting it onto the deck, through the opening where the sliding glass door used to be.... for we removed it just prior to passage of the tub. When we had the tub in the largest part of the computer room and there was no room left to maneuver, I feared even trying to get it through the small opening of the bathroom and into place in the little hole we prepared for it, but with Sean and I lifting and rotating the 391 pound monster over the commode, heater and wall divider, we managed to place in and lower it into position without scratching, breaking or smashing anything.....and yes, it looks just as we thought and said it would.
Now I have all the replacement of the wall, the trim and the doors. Then we will begin reading instruction and installation manuals, filling, treating and running the tub. I picture this being an all afternoon project for us.
IT HAPPENED!!!! We have a Mommy & Daddy Guinea Fowl with ten keets!!!! We have a regular, natural family and they are taking great care of the chicks. We were hoping that there were brooding hens, because we no longer have any eggs gathered each day like before. There should be at least another hen perking a clutch somewhere out there too. This is the first all natural family in the history of the farm. All other surviving chicks were hatched in the incubator and raised in the brooding house by us. This evening, Momma took the clutch of keets back to the nest, where ever that is. I sure hope that nothing finds them in the middle of the night and kills the lot! Nature is pretty resourceful though.

More interesting news.... The Green Dish at the Freehold House Restaurant is now featuring our free range, all natural eggs in all their breakfasts and telling folks so! Below is a picture of one of her breakfasts! Delicious for sure!!!!!!

Soon, the owners of the Twilight Lodge Bed and Breakfast, of Haines Falls, will be doing the same. They will feature our eggs there for all their breakfasts too.

We went to Glenmont for dinner and some things from Lowe's, late this afternoon and when we returned, I read a little on the wiring of the tub and decided to wait until tomorrow to pick up on that. By the time I read what I needed to, it was time to give Vick a hand closing everything up for the night and taking the garbage and recyclables out. Now we are just going to call it a day, hit the shower and bed. Tomorrow is another day at The Cluckin' "A"......
Below are pictures of the day's events.
020901© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC
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