Yes, despite the morning blog, detailing our morning adventures at the farmer's market, we finished with a record day of sales here!!
So, It Was A Record Day, with special Charm...and it happened Here, On The Cluckin' "A" Farm.....
We sold a whopping 30 dozen eggs today! The next thing that is of great importance to us and far more exciting than the record egg sales, is that we are now supplying the Freehold House Restaurant and The Twilight Lodge B&B in Haines Falls, on the mountain. They both are now featuring our eggs in their "All natural Country Fresh Breakfasts. We are very proud to be a part of such a fine group of restaurants in the local area serving our farm fresh eggs.
The Twilight Lodge folks also expressed great interest in our meat birds when they are ready and will probably be watching with great interest the progress of our free range turkeys into the fall when they will be ready for purchase.
I believe we will be under selling all competition when it comes to our Cornish Cross Hens @ $17.75 per bird, cleaned and frozen. The turkeys will be a great deal @ $35.00 plus processing for a cleaned & frozen Thanksgiving or Christmas Turkey, regardless of weight.
Tomorrow morning, we will not post to the blog, because we are taking Callie and Henrietta Puddy Cat to Scruffs in Albany to be spayed. We must have them up there by eight o'clock and ready for surgery.......therefore, no food or water from midnight on. They won't be happy! Tommy, the amorous young stud kitty is slinking around the rear deck again, meaning that Callie must again be in heat. She is crying and prancing around as they do when they can smell the male circling too. We'll be glad to ensure that no more kittens will show up at this farm, because after tomorrow, all three ladies here will be Tommy's little love toys and no one will be hurt or caught. All's well that ends well.
We're watching Iggy with a magnifying glass...as if that would do any good. He appears to be ailing over something. Like Vick says, it's almost like he had a minor stroke or something. His breathing is labored with rapid respirations about three times what Luke's are and his one eye twitches somewhat. He lies on his belly with both front legs outstretched and his chin rests on the ground. Not Normal... Not for Iggy anyway. The problem is that there is nothing that you can do for them because they will not allow anything that ails them to show until they are about down for the count. They hid their afflictions well, because being a pry animal in their native habitat, a weak sick animal is the target of predators in the animals group, so they hide their sickness until they can no longer cover it up. By then, they are almost dead. We are hoping this is not the case with Iggy. We would be heart broken because Iggy is our favorite alpaca. Let's hope
So, It Was A Record Day, with special Charm...and it happened Here, On The Cluckin' "A" Farm.....
We sold a whopping 30 dozen eggs today! The next thing that is of great importance to us and far more exciting than the record egg sales, is that we are now supplying the Freehold House Restaurant and The Twilight Lodge B&B in Haines Falls, on the mountain. They both are now featuring our eggs in their "All natural Country Fresh Breakfasts. We are very proud to be a part of such a fine group of restaurants in the local area serving our farm fresh eggs.
The Twilight Lodge folks also expressed great interest in our meat birds when they are ready and will probably be watching with great interest the progress of our free range turkeys into the fall when they will be ready for purchase.
I believe we will be under selling all competition when it comes to our Cornish Cross Hens @ $17.75 per bird, cleaned and frozen. The turkeys will be a great deal @ $35.00 plus processing for a cleaned & frozen Thanksgiving or Christmas Turkey, regardless of weight.
Tomorrow morning, we will not post to the blog, because we are taking Callie and Henrietta Puddy Cat to Scruffs in Albany to be spayed. We must have them up there by eight o'clock and ready for surgery.......therefore, no food or water from midnight on. They won't be happy! Tommy, the amorous young stud kitty is slinking around the rear deck again, meaning that Callie must again be in heat. She is crying and prancing around as they do when they can smell the male circling too. We'll be glad to ensure that no more kittens will show up at this farm, because after tomorrow, all three ladies here will be Tommy's little love toys and no one will be hurt or caught. All's well that ends well.
We're watching Iggy with a magnifying glass...as if that would do any good. He appears to be ailing over something. Like Vick says, it's almost like he had a minor stroke or something. His breathing is labored with rapid respirations about three times what Luke's are and his one eye twitches somewhat. He lies on his belly with both front legs outstretched and his chin rests on the ground. Not Normal... Not for Iggy anyway. The problem is that there is nothing that you can do for them because they will not allow anything that ails them to show until they are about down for the count. They hid their afflictions well, because being a pry animal in their native habitat, a weak sick animal is the target of predators in the animals group, so they hide their sickness until they can no longer cover it up. By then, they are almost dead. We are hoping this is not the case with Iggy. We would be heart broken because Iggy is our favorite alpaca. Let's hope
for the best.........

Iggy and Vick neckin' around
020756© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC
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