We are particularly disgusted with the resident turnout at the local farmer's market every Saturday morning next to the library in Greenville. We are not too enchanted with the turnout of the local farmers and merchants who should be representing the farming community here either.
We are now several weeks into the market season and we have a total of four regular vendors who show up every Saturday morning. We have one produce farmer, our friend the jam, soap and candle maker, our friend the baker and ourselves, as we offer our eggs, chickens, Vick's art work and my book. We still go to the Coeyman's Landing market too, but that is on Thursday afternoon and doesn't interfere with us supporting our home town market. It's pretty bad that Ginny can't get a better response from the local vendors, because they just don't care or they are supporting some other community regularly. We too could go to the larger Saturday markets regularly and make nice money, but then we would be betraying our own town by constantly and regularly supporting another community.....and we will not do it. We will however, attend the big Batavia kill Stream Celebration next Saturday in Ashland, but all our regular customers know that they can get eggs, chickens or whatever they want, anytime by coming by the farm any day they want to. We have personally invited all our customers to visit anytime. Besides, many of the regular customers will also go to Ashland to attend the same celebration which lasts all day long with lots of vendors and programs.
Today, we sold a handful of eggs and Vick sold three pieces of her art prints, but we did not sell one of our freshly butchered and frozen free range Jumbo Cornish X Rock hens. We will continue to market these chickens on a weekly basis or use them ourselves if they do not sell. Having our own raised chickens in our freezer this winter to eat surely isn't the worst thing that could happen! That would allow us to make a very affordable meal, and really enjoy them, knowing how they were raised and that they never saw hormones or chemicals in either their feed or a needle.
We added Joodee's Jams to the road side egg stand to supply more to our regular customers that come here. We enjoy supplying excellent tasting chicken and duck eggs and are pleased to add top quality Jams with them. We have had many of Joodee's Razzberry Raccoon Jams and highly recommend any and all of them. She uses only fresh fruits and all natural ingredients......Never any preservatives, so when they pick up a dozen of our eggs and a jar of her jam, all they need is a few slices of toasted bread for a complete breakfast!

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