When the shadows descended upon us, we made our way to the barn to put the critters away, changed ice packs in the road side egg stand and proceeded to clean and process the evening eggs, box them and then put them in the stand when we emptied the cash box for the night. We finished the eggs and restocked the egg stand, closed all the critters in and checked the brooding house. All was well in critterland, but since one of Grover's women was left out last night, (obviously setting on a nest somewhere) I wanted to check to make sure she hadn't been left behind this evening. I jumped on the John Deere garden tractor and made a round past the egg stand, behind the hospice gift shop, past the garden pond where they spend the day and she sat on eggs. She was not there. I took a run around the back of the house, past the dog run, where they make their last walk of the evening, every evening...and stand under the pole light at the pool until the very last moment that we leave them stand there, then they head for the barn and their roosting spot in the corner of the outside run. As I rounded the corner, I didn't see Grover's lady friend, but did see Kay Lee, the little bitch....There she was with a baby bunny in her killing grasp. I started toward her at break neck speed on the tractor, chasing her around the corner and gaining on her, as she ran with the bunny in her mouth. She lost her grip and the bunny fell. When it hit the ground, it took off like it had a rocket mounted to its little butt, but Kay Lee was hot on its trail and I...on Kay Lee's. The roar of the tractor motor, the lights and the knowledge that it was bearing down on her, convinced Kay Lee to give up the chase and run for the hills as the baby bunny continued to escape. I however caught it, causing it immediately submit and gave up the fight, but did squeal that heart breaking squeal they scream when caught and being killed and tortured. I took it directly to the bunny brothel, to an empty cage with water, food and safety for the rest of the night, where we checked it over for any lethal injuries. I believe this time; I intercepted the victim before it was annihilated by Kay Lee. It is amazing how a loving, purring soft and sweet animal like Kay Lee, can switch to an efficient and deadly murderer. Cats are terrible animals! They stalk and attack without malice...instantly turning from a contented pet to a slinking, wild killer with a thirst for blood....blood from the meekest of small animals and little birds. Sometimes we wish we had never gotten these terminators of the farm.
The little baby bunny is in a cage now with water, pellets, green grass, a carrot and a fan gently blowing on it. We want it to have every chance to recover from this terrible attack while it was carelessly nibbling grass at the edge of the yard. I suppose what we are doing is unlawful...keeping a wild animal in a cage, but we feel it is the best thing we could do for this little guy until he can recover from his bruises and being scared to death. (or at least taken to the threshold of death's door) When he is a bit better for the wear, we'll take him out to the end of the lake and release him where he can disappear into the brush in the blink of an eye.
The egg stand is doing well and I'm sure we are getting travelers who are passing by, which would have never stopped to get eggs from off our porch before. Now it's simply an issue of pulling over beside the egg stand, getting out and selecting your eggs and dropping the money in the box. There are several flavors of Razzberry Raccoon Jams available there too. We are looking into supplying a few containers of Local Maple Syrup and a few containers of Local honey soon also.
If we can supply these things here for our local customers and passer's by, we will then feel as though we've saved our friends and customers a trip, gas and time running all over for these items. It will be a one-stop-shopping experience for a few farm products anyway. So far, everyone raves about our rich, tasty eggs and the scrumptious Jams. I'm sure if we select good quality, tasty syrup and honey, we'll hear the same about our entire offerings and the word will spread about the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm stand being the place to go for good quality farm products.

Oh yeah...Bill....I got a picture of the gift shop right after the tornado everyone remembers....and from the closeup, Dorothy... you can see that you're no longer in Kansas...once you've arrived at "Nature's Friend's of Hospice, Inc." gift shop, nestled here on the grounds of the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC. We are ready to finish the inside as soon as Ed Pooters delivers some interior wood for the walls. Stay tuned to the blog for more news as it occurs.

023347© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC
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