Wednesday, March 5

Spring is just around the corner…somewhere?? Far away???

Here we are on March 5th…and it looks like old man winter isn’t going to turn loose his grip for some time to come. In another four days, we will be turning the clocks ahead again (March 9th) and in another fifteen days, (March 20th) we will usher in another spring…not that the temperatures support the concept, that’s for sure. However, spring will arrive and even if we do get additional snow, it won’t last and we will eventually (and soon) see daffodils and hyacinths popping thorough the earth, soon to be followed by tulips and other springtime flowers we’ve planted. We will also begin to see springtime wildflowers popping through the leave cover in the woods along roads and in woodlots, signaling that no matter how tight old man winter’s grasp…he will ultimately lose it. Only a few weeks ago our friend’s house looked like this below. Within another few weeks, there will be lots and lots of little bunches of daffodils all around her yard and I’ll snap a few pictures for you to see then.   
 Look at the ice hanging down....
 Major ice and snow hanging off the roof to right

In the midst of the mighty storm.....
BIG ANNOUNCEMENT! Vick is now a blogger and will be posting blurbs and blogs with pictures of her art and what she is doing each day. You will have the opportunity to buy any of her art offered, directly from her by contacting her on the blog. She will get back to you for shipping info and will take care of your requests, so check her site everyday for updates and pictures. She is now on Blogger. Just click this link: Vick’s blog

I’ve changed venues for my spinning wheel project. I moved from the west coast, moving a little closer to home, where I might be seen by more familiar faces than in California. My campaign project is still in planning mode, but here is a link where you can go to see it and PLEASE give me some needed feedback. I want to know what you think of the actual on-line campaign for the project, and the actual project and what I am doing. Big wheels, little wheels…what do you think? Check it out…click on link below.

If you like what we talk about and the pictures we show, why not become a follower? Join at the right by clicking on "Join this site". Also, feel free to leave a message anytime…about anything I write. Skip

072264 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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