Wednesday, March 14

Wednesday, March 14, 2012...Moving Right Along With Life As It Happens...

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Have you ever wondered where you are going in your life? Have you ever sat and there a purpose to my life and will I ever find out what it is? If you haven’t asked that are probably one of only a few. I think we have all wondered why we were born and if God had a special reason for us to remain living. This question has been asked by many people that have narrowly missed being killed in some kind of an accident or some other catastrophe...and it’s no wonder the question is asked in these circumstances. However, what about those of us that have never been in an accident or nearly killed by another kind of incident?
Many people believe that God guides us in our every move and when we are stopped in traffic...held up at a railroad crossing by a train or there is a stalled truck across the road, blocking our way and holding us up momentarily...that is God keeping us from being in another area at the wrong time. What about the many people killed in car, truck, airplane or other kinds of accidents? It seems that even with our ultimate trust of God’s infinite power and wisdom; there are things we cannot explain or understand...but that does not change the trust we have in God. Many believe that our goal in life is to learn, improve and become compassionate and understanding of the things and people around us...we need to become more like Jesus and God, forgiving and loving as we learn and age.
I believe we all pass on to another realm of life....a life with God, where we all exist in harmony and peace.
Regardless of what I think or choose to believe, I live my life to the fullest every day with Vick. We traveled yesterday to Margaretville, to a hospital to visit with a family member. It was a beautiful day...warm, sunny and we found the ride to be quite scenic...easy, peaceful and an enjoyable way to spend our day. We stopped and picked up some Chinese food on our way back. Once home, we relaxed to finish off our day without Vick having to cook, which would have spoiled her day at that late hour. We finished dinner and I fed and closed in all the animals for the night. We retired to the hot tub for a relaxing period, where soaking away aches and pains made it easy to retire for the evening. It was a stellar day, to say the least!
Today, I will release the animals, stop at GNH to grab a tube of high temperature silicon caulk, on our way to Vick’s Chiropractor appointment. When we get home, I will quickly apply a bead of caulk to the hopper of the pellet stove, finishing up the auger rebuild project. Below are a few pictures you can compare to the ones in the last post, where it was completely apart for replacement of the auger bearings.

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After finishing the pellet stove and repositioning it into the fireplace opening, it will be ready to fire if it gets cold again.

Margaret, the client for whom I am publishing a book, is coming over so we can go over the proof and make desired changes so we can get the form back to the printer again. She will arrive at 3:00 pm this afternoon and we will finalize the book for printing. (at least another proof)

Anyway, today will be a good and full day, as was yesterday...and hopefully...all our days in the future and beyond.

046374 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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