Well......We're finally finished for the day....so to speak... We still want to go to the post office to mail a check to the lady that runs the big Batavia Kill Creek side Celebration, which is like a huge farmer's market/craft fair up on the mountain, just past the Windham Mountain Ski Area, to the next little town. It is in a field behind a big resort and lasts all day long. We will sell a shitload of stuff, like Vick's art and my books, along with all the eggs we take along.
While we're down at the post office, we'll grab a cherry slush from the convenience store across the road and head home. We'll shower and jump into the hot tub to relax our aching muscles from today's activities. I mounted the coin box in the egg stand, we took measurements for the awning Vick is making and as I fixed the two pasture fences, and cleaned the junk out of the turkey house for Vick to bring them over from the brooding house, she called the sign guy and asked if he could speed it up a little on the roadside egg stand signs. We cleaned the brooding house, set up water and chick starter and a heat lamp, and then moved the two hatchlings from the incubator to the newly cleaned and prepared spot. After that, we went to Mangia for lunch. We had a pizza and headed to Glenmont for gas and diesel fuel for the tractors, then headed home. When we got here, we brought the turkey run over and put it together, then left the turkeys out in the run for the rest of the afternoon. They Loved It!!!!!!!!
We looked over the barn plans to separate the little pain in the ass sheep to their own area of the barn. We changed our minds several times and kept formulating a plan, which we now have and will start soon. They need to be separated during feeding, because the sheep will eat anything they can wrap their tongues around and they are already getting fat. We need to control what they eat, so we need to be able to pen them in if necessary.
We lost all 19 (or 34) of the guinea fowl keets in the rain of Friday. Obviously they all drowned...allowed by the parents who took them somewhere to hide overnight and when it rained all day Friday, they must have taken a chill and died of the cold or drowned. Either way, we have learned another valuable lesson on the farm. Let them hatch them, then catch them and put them in the brooding house to raise until old enough to fend for themselves. God, those birds are the most stupid critters I've ever seen. They stand in the middle of the road and won't move if cars come, stand in the rain, looking up like they can't understand the rain is wet...they are lousy parent birds, allowing their young to get wet, cold or drown.
We couldn't believe it....two or three passels of young, GONE in one day! Because it rained?
Well, okay....we gotta get moving so we can get back, shower and get into the hot tub. Jeeze um, I almost forgot, I have to spray a yellow jacket's nest up in the ceiling of the hospice gift shop porch ceiling and soffit. I don't think I'm gonna enjoy putting my hand up inside the soffit in the dark to spray something I can't see! Boy...I HOPE THIS DOESN'T HURT!!

021635© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC
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