Today we got the ice packs for the egg stand, the containers to hold the ice packs, a rack to elevate the eggs off of the bottom and went to Catskill Signs to pick up our signs for the road and the front of the egg stand.
Tomorrow we will put it all into operation and fill the container with eggs, ready for sale. That will mark a change in what the customer will have to do to get their eggs. They will be able to pull into the driveway, safely off the roadway, get their eggs from the stand and turn at the barn and leave or just travel around the driveway. Their choice...either way. The main thing is that no one needs to come on the porch now, or fear the dogs any longer.
The turkeys are doing great in their new house. They seem as happy as can be, out there pecking around in the dirt and stones. There will be no roosts in the house, nor anything that they can fly up onto, so there will not be any broken legs before they make it to market. We bought three for ourselves which are smaller in body size. You can tell they are meant for living a long life on the farm because their legs are set completely different than the meat birds...in fact, their entire body is smaller in frame size, so it's easy to see they will be ok and mobile when adult.
Thursday, the Cornish Cross Broilers go to be processed down in Oak Hill. They slaughter, clean, pluck, bag and refrigerate them for @2.75 each. We will simply add that cost to the flat rate of $15.00 per bird. That's $17.25 for a free range, all naturally raised chicken. Quite the bargain for a bird that spent it's life living high on the hog, roaming all over the farm, all day long, eating all the natural stuff. Our birds are not, nor have they ever been exposed to any chemicals and although they were not raised on certified organic feed, they are probably just as organic as any around here.........even the ones raised organically.
Well, its 11:20 and I've been up since 6:00 this morning, so I'm ready to call it a day, hit the shower and pop into the hot tub for a timed cycle of hydrotherapy and then it's off to bed.
Below are a bunch of pictures from today......It's tough to label them, because Blogger is such NOT USER FRIENDLY PROGRAM, so what you see is what you get most of the time..... Sorry bout dat poindexter!

Vick Sewing up the awning for the egg stand.....

The new floor. Rubber, interlocking, lightweight floor pads.

The AFLEC Crew

The Roadside Egg Stand is completed with lock box, shelf for Joodee's jams and the banner sign....

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