Here it is...Thursday again already and we're ready to trek to the Coeyman's Landing for the farmer's market there. We'll run over and let Joodee's dogs out so she can leave work and come directly to the market. She sits with us and sells her jams and soaps when she can. Saturday we will be at Greenville, next to the Library from 9:00 AM until 1:00 in the afternoon.
The egg stand will be on stand-by for now until we get the money box from Tom and I make the metal insert for the box. Vick will solder it together when I get it fitted properly. A little stain, a drain fitting and ice rack and we're ready to make our first sale from the new roadside egg stand. Ah yes... we have two signs coming from Catskill signs......one is a banner type which will go on the egg box which says "Farm Fresh, Free Range Eggs" and one for along the road, with an arrow, saying "Free Range eggs in Red Farm Stand".
The turkey house is experiencing holdups unfortunately....because I can't work in the direct sunlight while taking the Doxycycline. It allows you to experience sunburn very easily and extremely severe. The doctor said one patient didn't listen and was hospitalized with third degree burns. He was a construction worker and was in the sunlight all day long though....Stupid, I'd say. We'll work on it when we have a cloudy day. I can still get burnt, but not nearly as bad as in the direct sunlight. It seems extremely hot in the sun now, so I don't take a chance.
Well, we're off Storey's Nursery and then to grab a bite to eat so we can then get ready to leave for the market. We'll leave Joodee's dogs out on the way back from eating..... Have a good one friend's.
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