Ok pal, so tell me why you continue to dog this blog with your stupid little box code and persist in leaving comments no one can read, but have in the past been tied to your porn site. What's up with you and your disgusting garbage that you insist on pushing on innocent people who don't want to see your crap? You gutless swine, perhaps you should tell me why I should allow your trash on here when there are young kids that come to this blog to hear about the farm and what we are doing......or want to look at the baby chickens and ducks....or the alpacas and sheep. Why must parents worry that one of your filthy link is present and their kids are misdirected to a porn site? You are simply a sickening individual.... and if you ever had the guts to make your identity known and were somewhere close enough, I'd thump your butt. Now back off! Go away and bother someone else, because you will never get a post on my blog pal. I monitor every one of your sick attempts to market your porn and all you've accomplished is to cause my readers grief in posting a comment, because they have to perform redundant crap to leave a message. Thanks to you asshole!

Today I got up early and finished the construction of the egg stand. We still need to stain it and add the money box, so we left a message for the welder down the road. I need a cashbox fabricated with holes to install lag bolts and then a separate box that drops inside the original to obstruct the access holes where the lag bolts are and a hinged top with a coin slot. Vick and I also have to line the box with metal too. I'll cut the metal to size, duct tape it and then pull it back out for Vick to solder the seams and I'll install it permanently and install the ice box bracket to hold the ice packs overhead in the lid. When it's done and along the road, functioning..... We'll then finish the turkey house. Stay tuned for that......

Now we will stain it and make a metal box inside.

020501© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC
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