Wednesday, November 19

Wednesday, Nov. 19th… About froze our asses off…But the animals are warm and comfy!!!!!!!

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Man was it cold out there today!!!!!!!!!!!!! The temperature was 12 degrees most of the day, with a wind that cut through you like a knife. Poor Miss Vicki had trouble with her toes and fingers and she wouldn’t go into the house to warm up before she was totally frozen and couldn’t stand it any longer. No matter how many times I told her to leave when she started getting cold and head for the pellet stove to suck up the heat it gives off, then come back out to help once she is warmed up again, she won’t do it. I’m used to the cold and can work out there all day long without stopping. (I’m stupid though…too) Anyway………. Amid all the freezing we’ve endured throughout the day, we were successful in completing the new barn winterization on the ground level. The soffit is wide open and that bothers me, because all that cold air which can freely blow into the upstairs can freely roll down the steps into the barn also…… defeating our efforts to warm the critters with the heat lamps. If we close off the openings by putting board up as a soffit, that would stop the major influx of cold air. The only other thing we could do is close off the loft area from the downstairs.

Tomorrow I just might stay in bed until late morning. We will do whatever until late afternoon when we will get ready to go to the Albany Marriott Hotel for the 4th annual Musical Comedy Hour during a sumptuous harvest buffet meal, and a Live Auction after the meal. The renowned author, Jon Katz will be honored for his work with his dogs for the hospice and palliative care association of Washington County. He is a nationally best-selling author who is also a hospice volunteer. Through his work, books, blog and on-line publications, Jon and his dog Izzy, a hospice dog, have brought national attention to hospice volunteers and the therapeutic effects of animal companionship. The program lasts from 6 to 10 PM and Vicki and I will be representing our fundraising corporation known as Nature’s Friend’s of Hospice, Inc.. We have just begun to sponsor the Columbia-Greene Country Hospice and Palliative Care Association of New York State. This spring, with the building of a 15’ x 20’ gift shop on the premises of the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm complex, we plan to generate substantial funding for the hospice program. We can’t wait.
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