Monday, December 29

Monday, Dec. 29th… A cloudy, 35 degree, Good morning to ya……

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Been up since 6:30, drinking coffee and mulling over a verse for Vick to put on a little card, to be included with her Hospice Heart she is selling for Columbia-Greene Hospice and Palliative care program located in Catskill. It is a lovely sun catcher, which is an all hand made, stained glass heart, meant to be hung or displayed in your home as a remembrance of a loved one that has departed, showing that life does go on and a person can continue to live and still hold the departed person, lovingly in their heart.
Vicki is accepting orders at a cost of $9.00 each plus shipping, by email to, (100% of the net proceeds, goes to Cloumbia-Greene County Hospice) Be sure to type Hospice Heart in the subject line so your email order isn’t overlooked. When you email, just tell Vick how many hearts you would like and include your Name, Address and Zip code. She will get back to you with the total price, including your shipping. (which she will figure out from your zip code, so PLEASE remember to include it with your email) Anyway, I finally came up with a verse for her card…… so now we will wait to see what she thinks of it before I post it.
I really don’t know what we are gonna do today… but there was strong talk last evening about venturing to Albany to have Vicki’s glasses adjusted properly, but we’ll have to call to make sure “Richard” isn’t there. It was suggested we go to Pearl Vision or Lenses Crafters, but Vick wants to go where she bought the glasses. The lady is nice, but Richard is a real nitwit and takes forever to do a simple adjustment and fitting. Last time we were there, we sat for 1½ hours while he made an adjustment to a lady’s glasses. This was a second or third trip adjustment for the lady. Jeeze, I was ready to flip out, (I am not a patient person…as Vicki will attest to) because I think this is ridiculous! Why do they keep this guy employed there?? Anyway, we need to call to be sure he is not working there today before we go and if he is, we’ll go another day!
Perhaps then I will work in the barn…… I need to clean the stairs to the loft of turkey dodo and install a hinged plywood “door” at the bottom of the steps and plywood up the sides, to keep the turkeys off the steps. (dodo on steps is treacherous!) I should also remove the hay and roost, under the steps, that the turkeys don’t use, so I can put the steel break I use for making metal catch pans for the bunnies under the steps for storage, along with all the fencing and steel sheets and hand tools. Then I can install the stall rails and gate for the Alpacas…… which will be perfect roosting places for the turkeys and easier to clean. We also need to install the outside lighting and upstairs wiring, so there is still plenty of “nice weather” work to do in and around the barn. Lights outside will be especially nice when you have to venture to the barn after dark and it does help to deter predators from coming into the barn area, especially in the early morning hours. There will be several dusk to dawn lights and the rest will be on motion detectors with switching to turn them off if desired. More on all this later……for now, I’m off! Huh?……… come to think of it, it’s always been said that I was a little off anyway………

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