Thursday, December 11

Thursday, Dec. 11th… The Ice storm has arrived on schedule…

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The dogs were surprised this morning, as they all exited the sliding glass door to the rear exercise area of the yard, roaring at their usual breakneck speed. Everyone was anxious to do their regular morning doo doo’s, but this morning they all ended up surprised and dazed. It certainly was funny to see the bewildered looks on their faces when they finally came to a slip, sliding, stop in a pile against the fence. There was a solid glaze ice on everything, making the high speed, negotiation of the turn off of the end of the deck impossible. They very slowly and cautiously got to their feet and quietly, one by one, went toward the back yard in a single file line. Obviously, they were no longer interested in chasing the imaginary what-gee-jigger that’s never been in the back yard, yet, we chase after every morning. I’ve often wondered what the heck this what-gee-jigger looks like and why they must all run at breakneck speed, barking and growling like the Hounds of the Baskerville!
After they all, very gingerly, came back onto the deck and entered the house, I toweled them dry, finished my coffee and donned my coat and boots and headed out to feed and water the captive animals. There was no way I was going to turn them loose in this freezing rain……… not when a day of rain in September caused such an epidemic among the chickens and the turkeys, what ever it was. They need to stay in their cozy outside runs, protected from the brutal elements.
I wonder if we humans will be as intelligent? I’m still planning to keep my 11:00 appointment with the doctor, unless she calls and cancels. I saw a few cars and trucks driving VERY slowly on the road in front of our house and the snow plow went by just awhile ago, spreading salt and cinders, stone, sand or whatever they use to coat and paint the sides of our cars up here. I’ll post a little later with a few pictures of the winter wonderland. Keep watchin’!

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