Thursday, April 23

Thurs April 23rd… Recovering as the Day Goes On, Tomorrow???

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As the day wore on, the pain subsided… I spent the entire day on the sofa watching TV or napping. The inflammation in my ligaments and tendons, must have finally given in to the Ibuprofen I took the last time. I suppose this is a prelude to future complications, which I can expect to be inflicted with on a more and more frequent schedule. It certainly makes you feel better about getting older…… thinking about all the pleasures of ones golden years. I wonder why they call it the golden years? Could it possibly be because of the expense you incur with medical payments to Doctors????? You know… in terms of gold values………
Tomorrow it is supposed to get warmer and sunny. Today was to be rainy, but not as cold as it felt. Maybe it wasn’t really all that cold, if the wind would have quit blowing so hard. I’m hoping for warm, sunny and calm tomorrow, so we can get back to work on the bunny house. We can dig holes and start to frame out the walls and install siding if we get 2x4’s from Middle Field lumber and the two poles I forgot to get at GNH Lumber the other day. Vicki will have to call The Door Jamb and get the sizes of the openings needed for the windows and the door we are going to get. I could have it about all framed in in a day or so once the post holes are dug and the posts are set in and filled. The bunnies have been bred, so they will be born May 14th, then they must stay with the mother until well into July, we think, but you certainly want to be ready for them when they are due to be picked up. We need to make wall hanging crates, once the building is completed too. The thing to remember is that the Rear deck porch roof needs built and the hospice gift shop will be underway too, so we need to get cracking and keep moving so we can get everything done ASAP, using every bit of time available. I don’t have time to be sick and ailing any longer. It’s time for Vicki and Me to boogie!

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