Friday, June 12

Friday, June 12th... Come One...Come All... To The Greenville Craft Fair......

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All you local people should plan to come to the Greenville Library, tomorrow, Saturday the 13th for the annual Greenville Craft Day. It is held on the front lawn, right in front of the library and if you show up, you can meet Vicki and I, as we sell our crafts and donated items, to benefit the Columbia-Greene County Hospice Program.

We will be there sharing a little spot with Isabelle and Wendy, as they represent Alpacas-4-Pets, Isabelle’s Alpaca rescue, based in Coxsackie. It is a gala event and Isabelle and Wendy enjoy bringing Caleb and Joey (their Alpacas) to the event each year, because the kids just love them.

We will be selling our “Go Green with Hospice shopping bags”, the original “Alpaca Bean Key Chains”, Angel key chains, homemade fragranced soap, hand made perfumed candles w/ pottery bases and more. 100% of the proceeds go to the hospice program.

We also have an appointment to take Casey Mae to the Vet to have her stitches taken out. It has been well over three weeks and the incision looks healed, except for where the stitches ooze a little from her being over active which pulls on them. It will be nice to know they are out and she is healed. She wants to play so bad and we really don’t allow her to because of the tearing of the stitches. Not that the incision is of concern, just the tearing of the stitches causing trouble with bleeding, which will be gone this afternoon.

After returning home, we will finish all the craft items to be ready for tomorrow. That will entail going to the dollar store, or somewhere and picking up a few small, cute containers for the key chains, soap and such.
We need to wrap the soap, drill a few more holes in some angel key chains, install a few more grommets and rope handles in bags, then install labels and we’ll be ready.

Looking at the weather and the sunny,humid conditions, it wasn’t hard to determine that we would not be out in the sun building at all today. The breeze is beautiful and refreshing, but the humidity is a real killer as soon as the breeze slows, so we’ll reserve building for another day. Perhaps we'll do a little wiring work in the bunny brothel, so we have a light and receptacle......

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