Monday, June 22

Monday, June 22nd... The 2nd Day of Summer and we’re Gonna Use It!!!

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Yesterday we listened to the weather forecast and did not leave the birds out and wouldn’t you know it... it didn’t rain enough to matter. They could have been out all day long. Well... today it says it is gonna rain in the evening, maybe around four o’clock, but I let them free to run anyway. Christa is here to clean and she needs the buildings emptied of animals to clean properly. Besides, they hate to be locked in and prove it by reducing their egg production by 75% when locked in. It may take two days for them to get the chip off their feathers and start to lay eggs normally again. Yesterday, we removed the “tunnel” between the outside chicken run and the chicken house. It used to run along the wall in the duck house, allowing the chickens to travel back and forth without going into the duck house. We noticed that every evening when we went to put them in for the night, they were all intermingled anyway, so why maintain all the crap to separate them? They both eat the same feed, so there is no reason for such silliness.

We received our shipment of twenty-five chicks from McMurray Hatchery yesterday afternoon. A car pulled in and a young guy got out and yelled across the yard that he had chickens for us. Here we are, on Father’s Day... and a guy pulls into the driveway...gets out and yells, “I have chickens for you” and starts rooting around in the back of his car. I envision a Father, tired of cleaning a chicken coop that the kids wanted and promised to clean up after... promising to feed the chickens and didn’t, so Ha, Ha, Ha... my Father’s Day gift is taking these stinking birds to “The Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm” and dumping them there (which happens). I never even thought of receiving a shipment by car on a holiday. They usually come by mail and the post office calls at 6:30 in the morning, opens up and lets me pick them up. What a surprise!!!

Today we will go to “Catskill Signs” in Durham to have two signs made... one will be for our display at the Farmer’s Market on Saturdays and the other will be a sign to place out along the road, stating that we have chicks for sale. We decided that since everyone in the world wants to make money and have their own eggs, we might as well incubate eggs to sell the chicks so everyone can become rich selling eggs. (Hahahahahahahahaha...) Below is a picture giving you pretty close description of what our table display will look like, except that Vick is making a very pretty table cloth, which will cover the table that the centerpiece and egg cartons will sit upon. All the eggs have been blown out and are now just empty shells, glued into the boxes for display. We keep the eggs we actually sell, refrigerated in coolers, on the back side of the table, handing them out as we sell them. We’re hoping that sales improve at the Farmer’s Market a little, because we must sell at least eight dozen large eggs, just to pay for our spot there. Now you know why I laugh about folks buying chicks and selling eggs to get rich. (Don’t forget the FEED too) We now have over 250 chickens (counting the 125 chicks and juvenile birds) and I don’t imagine we do much more than break even. (Hahahahahahahahahah) ...Beautiful la la laaaa.

Today... we go for chick starter, (the feed!) and then, work on the outriggers for the fly rafters to complete that portion of the hospice gift shop. We’ll then figure the porch wood and dig the footer drain...... ahhh pooo, look at the picture of the table display and check later.... then we’ll see what we did today.......

Our table display for the Farmer's Market every Saturday...
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