Wednesday, October 21

Wednesday Evening, October 21st... Working on the Gift Shop is Fun Now......

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Now when we work on the gift shop, you can see a marked improvement with every board you put on. It's starting to look like the quaint little shop we hoped it would and may even come out better than I expected it would. Vick is a real help and becoming a pretty savvy carpenter. I call the measurements out to her and she cuts the boards to any length or angle I call out. We're now working on the gable end near the road, but didn't get it completed because we lost a good two hours trying to get the framing nailer to work, but to no avail. We finally stopped and ran to GNH with the old nailer, gave it to them to send to Windham for repairs and bought a new framing nailer (just like the one being repaired) and came back and got to work. If not for the problem of getting started with the stupid nail gun, we would have gotten the gable end toward the road finished this evening before dark. Oh well, we'll finish it tomorrow and put the soffit and fascia boards on too. We'd like to finish both gable ends and fly rafters with fascia and soffits before Saturday so we can finalize the roof by installing the purlin's if Coleen and JD come to help. Their help will be greatly appreciated since I cannot work on my knees or keep my balance anymore walking boards up high. (Lovely to get old!)
Anyway, here are the status pictures so you can see it progressing. Tomorrow night's pictures will be even more dramatic than these.... if everything works out right tomorrow!

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