Monday, December 21

Mon. Dec. 21st... Finally Recovered From the Trip on the Shortest Day...Winter...

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Today is an earmark to several special events. One would be that it is the shortest day of the year...the winter solstice... meaning that today exhibited the shortest amount of daylight of any day past or future in this year. It marks the beginning of winter 2009 and occurred at 12:47 PM today...just forty-seven minutes past the noon day hour. Now we will be locked in the throngs of winter until March 21st when we will end winter and start into spring 2010. It now seems that the winter solstice is an event quite embedded in the sights of most people who have already been loathing that winter chill. To us, the winter isn't such a bad thing, but to chickens, guinea fowl, turkey and ducks... it is the pits! There are no bugs to pick...buds to eat or ants to gobble up as you browse across the green, grassy yard in the warming sunshine. The birds of the farm grow bored with the cold, frozen water on the lake and in the buckets. They want spring to be here tomorrow...when the sun rises. They want grass to run through, picking up bugs and summer stuff...Sorry birdies... we're just getting started with this chilly stuff.

We think that possibly...there was a fox present today. It will not be known until we turn all the ducks loose again, whether EB was grabbed or not. It appeared that he was missing when we put the birds in and there seemed to be a lot of duck feathers in and on the pond ice, but we have no way of really knowing, because when you look in the duck house, there are too many ducks, chickens and guinea fowl milling and mixing around in there to be able to see who is who. I fear that it is not a really good time to release the birds right now, because everything is frozen up and there is not much hope for the ducks to escape a fox without water to flee into. The guinea hens will simply fly up into or onto anything they come to and the chickens run and fly (poorly, but fly just the same) enough to usually get away from a fox on the initial attack. The guinea fowl, once initially surprised, will band together to actually fend off an attack by a fox by gathering around it and making it feel threatened by their numbers and constant clucking.

Vick is selling her "Go Green for Hospice" shopping bags like gang busters. She just sold ten to a friend at the Vet's office and another eleven to a lady down the road. Her 100%, all wool pot holders are also selling at a brisk rate. I have enclosed a few pictures of the bags and potholders so everyone knows what I am talking about when I mention her successful endeavors for the hospice program. My cousin in Mississippi had all her friends who would have given her a present, instead...donate to our hospice program in her honor. We send out a formal receipt for the dollar value in their name, showing we accepted it in my Cousin Bonnie's name and thanking them for doing so. We also sent Bonnie an acknowledgement of all their names so she could send a thank you card too. She, along with her friends, has raised over two hundred dollars alone...for the hospice program. Actually, there are still a few donations still coming in! If anyone reading this is interested in donating to the hospice program by purchasing one of the "Go Green for Hospice" shopping bags, a set 100% wool potholders, a "Remember me" stained glass heart, one of my books of Poetry or simply wish to donate cash, just email us at or and we will be happy to handle your desired request...especially during this holiday season of giving. May God Bless You All For Your Generosity...

The potholders are made from 100% recycled wool clothing, which Vicki then hand felted and turned into two-ply potholders. They are sold in pairs and have the two designs shown on each set. $9.72 a set
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These various "Go Green for Hospice" shopping bags are hand cut and sewn,
then grommets are installed and rope handles inserted. Bags are $5.40 ea

More of the shopping bags before the rope handles were installed. They are a great way to support the Columbia- Greene County Hospice and Palliative care program and the "green movement." Just $5.40 ea
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