Saturday, January 23

Saturday, Jan. 23rd... Back Home with Two New Bunnies of Personality Supreme...

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Yesterday, we took the trek to Taunton, MA to the Evergreen Farm, an internationally recognized rabbit farm, to pick up the girl and boy Giant Angoras we purchased from Louise Walsh, owner of the farm. She has been breeding for over forty years and owner operator of the Evergreen Farm for over thirty of those years. Louise is the creator of the largest wool bearing type of rabbit in the world to date. The Giant Angora.
Over the years, thousands of people have passed through her barn doors, from all over the world and have purchased her wooly residents. In the past, her facility has housed over 7,000 rabbits at one time and she has shipped her rabbit's worldwide and imported rabbits the same way.
Louise and her husband have been honored to have been the subject of articles written about their endeavors in such publications as Yankee Magazine and featured in both regional and international publications. They have also been the subject of educational TV and seen on both local and national TV programs.
She is the creator of the only ARBA (AMERICAN RABBIT BREEDERS ASSOCIATION) recognized Giant Angora Rabbit.
After a lengthy visit with Louise, talking about the Rhinebeck, NY Sheep and Wool Festival, where we initially met her, we talked bunny for sometime, then covered upcoming fact, a New England Wool Festival in April and others she will attend. We told her we might see her there.
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Finally, we decided to head for home, stopping somewhere in Taunton for gas and a bite of breakfast, before hitting the interstate. We stopped at an IHOP, ate and headed for home. Along the way, we decided to stop at Sturbridge Village to pick up some brochures about the village. We decided to have a light lunch while there, so chose the Oxhead Tavern which is a 17th century tavern on Cedar Lake, right off of Main Street in Sturbridge. It was delightfully quaint with a huge burning fireplace to cozy up next to. When we left there, we were ready to head for home and get the bunnies into their new pens in the brothel. Once they were placed in their new pens, we took Vick's Mom and Dad to the Wayside Inn for dinner and returned home to relax until bed time. I'll snap new pictures of all the bunnies today and both post them here and in our original web page later today.
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A better picture of the blue & tan Buck...
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