Saturday, March 13

Sat. March 13th... And Lo...The Rains Came, Bringing the Flooding and Gloom...

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Today was a lousy day, unless you were a duck. Well...I guess the chickens went out with them too, but you know what they say.... "What da ya want from a bird with a brain the size of a green pea?" Anyway, both Vick and I have been a little under the weather for a day or so now, with us both taking a chill yesterday afternoon, and Vick has had a nagging toothache where she had recent dental work done, along with other aching teeth, the pain moving from tooth to tooth. My knees aren't really appreciating the weather and I'm pretty sure that it's causing Vick's toothaches too... Most likely it's like neuralgia...probably being aggravated by this cold and dampness.
We are presently staying in the warmth of the house, but I'll start the car later to get the heat going, so we can take a ride to Sunny Jim's for coffee and cake before retiring for the evening. We have been carding angora wool and Vick has hand picked a bundle of sheep's wool and is running it through the carder presently. She is going to draft it through a small dizz that I am going to make from the cap off of a milk bottle. I'll drill an 1/8 inch hole in the cap and then Vick will feed a strip of fiber from the wheel of the carder, through the dizz, making a really long piece of rovinginstead of a matt.
As soon as she finishes her first piece, we will go for coffee and cake and maybe do more fiber when we return home. If not... there's always tomorrow.

Don't forget!!!!! Turn those clocks ahead tonight...errr, tomorrow, errr at Two AM if you want to stay up that late... aw, just do it before you go to bed and remember it ain't official until 2 AM! (Like anyone cares)
If you choose to not do it tonight, don't ask anyone tomorrow why everyone else got to church way before you, because you'll really look stupid!

I suppose it will rain for the next week, melting the snow, causing flooding beyond any we've had in a great while. There are places up in the Catskill Mountain's that had over eight feet of snow. If it melts as fast up there as it is down here, that's a lot of water running off that mountain, down into the streams and river already overflowing from the snow melt here in the valleys. It could get really interesting down along the Hudson River, toward Coxsackie, Athens and Catskill where the towns are very low lying along the river... We'll see in the next couple of days.......
© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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