Monday, May 31

Monday, May 31, 2010... Tomorrow We Will Be Performing On June's Stage......

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This morning was akin to a New York City Play, where the curtain rises and the lights brighten, to begin the opening night of a newly released play.
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Our curtain of darkness already arose to give way to the suns bright light as the day unfolds before us......As a very important historical holiday.
Although summer doesn't officially occur until June 21st of this year, May 31st, being the historical and annual occasion of Memorial Day, designates today the traditional beginning of summer, when all the parks are open for swimming and picnicking. Many people will be going to celebrations, parades and memorial services at graveyards across the country, but to our knowledge, nothing is planned in our obtuse little Yuppie town to commemorate the dead, unless it is a small band of veterans who quietly place flags on the graves of their fallen comrades. You would think that Greenville would have a small parade following the veteran's march on the local cemeteries, as they place the flags, but we have looked on line and listened for announcements in vain.
Many holiday activities will be enjoyed across the nation as burgers and hot dogs sizzle on the grill. Families will spend the day together in their yards laughing and chatting as they enjoy the day of celebration...... many guzzling beer and wine as the happily celebrate the day. Many will give less than a moment's thought for the many Mothers and Fathers who cannot celebrate anything today, because of a void in their lives, created by the process necessary in keeping this day alive. Instead of placing a filled plate in front of their sons or daughters on a picnic table, many families will place flowers on the graves of their sons and daughters. This might be done as they also remember the loss of other family members from years ago. It was my family tradition for years, to travel to the graves of my departed ancestors, to place a planted flower in remembrance, but now it would entail a days driving to reach their graves and another to return home. I gave this act up when I moved so far away, but feel ok with my decision. Those dearly departed family members all look down upon me and they see in my heart that they will never be forgotten and they understand. I'm not saying you shouldn't celebrate and enjoy the hour....but for just one minute out of that hour....stop and acknowledge those who paid the ultimate sacrifice to keep this day of freedom alive. Help to keep the memory in Memorial Day!

19034© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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