Wednesday, August 11

Wednesday, August 11, 2010...People Wonder Why We Do What We Do...and For What????

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You say, "What are you doing running all over the upstate region of New York and Vermont, wasting your entire day, getting things to sell at a farmer's Market?" Or, "How can you drive that far and only charge this much...because it's less than local?"
Well, the answer my friends is that Vick and I enjoy driving through Vermont and the northern sections of New York's Washington county. We've found a lot of beautiful scenery and met a lot of great and friendly people. We enjoy our day out and pick up bargain priced products to pass on to our friends and neighbors at a very low, modest profit which pays for our meal at a nice restaurant and the gas to pick up the products, providing us a free day, enjoying the ride and sights and each other. The animals are fed and watered in the morning and free range all over the farm as usual, so they never miss us and we are back for the evening feeding and close up of the barns. If it's really hot, Dawna, our friend, comes and checks them at mid day or early evening, to make sure they have water.
Since we have found that we totally enjoy this new venture of supplying needed products for our farm stand and the farmer's markets, we will continue to seek out new and exciting products to provide, on a regular basis. We have set the standards at the zenith level though, only accepting professionally, state certified and approved processing and packaging of all products. The name of each producer is kept on their products, because we only produce and process eggs here on the farm. We have a state certified, professional slaughter house nearby, that processes our farm raised, free range, all natural Cornish X Rock broilers, that are raised here on the farm. Beyond that, we are simply agents of the producers which provide our honey, maple syrup products, cheese curd products and produce.
We'll never get rich....never meant to....but we will sure have fun providing a tasty change of pace at the farm stand here and at farmers markets we attend in the future.

Today, I haven't an idea what we can possibly do beyond care for the farm animals and wait out the heat and crippling humidity out there. The forecast is that the humidity will drop today, as the hours tick by, giving us relief from the energy draining conditions. Last evening we could hardly function. It was hard to breath and in the short time it took to stock the egg stand, unload the car, feed and water the stock and close everything in....we were soaked and exhausted. The humidity was so high and the heat so intense that sweating did no good. With the humidity so high, your body cannot achieve evaporative cooling....because the air is saturated with water and cannot absorb the water from your skin to cool you. Our bodies just remain coated in sweat and become more and more overheated.
At our age, we have learned to give up and simply perform only the most important tasks in these conditions, even if we have to do most things after dark, when conditions return to normal...if they do. Last night, they didn't! It was miserable all night long out there. Today promises relief....we'll see.... Until then, I'm taking it easy in here with the air-conditioning....
024651© Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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