Friday, May 20

Fri. May 20th...The Rain in Spain, Fell Mainly, on, ah...IN SPAIN...Ah Duh...

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Rain......The New FOUR LETTER word...and just about as bad! Oh, I suppose in another two or three months, we’ll be complaining that “We sure would like to see some of that rain we had back in May”...especially if it gets as dry and hot as last summer in July and August. Vick and I are in pretty good shape, despite the seemingly never ending rain we’ve had. We finished the actual fencing which needed to be done to contain the birds and ducks. Now today, we’ll go into each barn and release one chicken or duck at a time, clipping the wings of the chickens and guinea fowl so they can no longer fly over the fences we’ve erected to keep them contained. I’m sure there will be some Houdini’s even after clipping wings, so we’ll have to slowly eliminate those escape routes, but I think we’ve accomplished about 98% of the objective once the wing clipping takes place. All that is really left to do is push the walls out on the barn to enlarge the alpaca’s and sheep’s stalls, which I’ll the garden & plant it, which Vick will do...Call our excavator friend to come and do the drainage thing so we can then start the farm store, which will happen on his schedule, not ours. I will call and plead my case, even though I originally told him it would be after school left out. Unfortunately, it will hold us up if we wait. We want to complete everything and open the gift shop before summer’s heat arrives.

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The incubator in the brooding house performed a 100% flop on the duck eggs I put in there....and the 41 eggs in the other one, resulted in 10 hatched chicks and four that died in the shell during hatching. I don’t understand why that happens because the heat and humidity was right on the money...all along...and in both incubators. The one in the basement crapped this time, with 100% failure on those 41 eggs too. With that behind us, Vick ordered 25 white Cornish Cross rock broilers and a bunch of Araucanas yesterday from a hatchery. We’ll order a bunch of turkeys next month, so they can be harvested at or around ten pounds or so, which we will offer at the farmer’s market, along with the Cornish X’s. We’ll have them available year round in our farm store, as the refrigerator will hold a mess of frozen birds, along with all the excess eggs not in the egg stand.
Today while Vick works in the garden, I’ll move stone in for the alpacas new run in area and around the opening to their stalls. I’ll then start framing out the walls and moving the boards, windows and door. After it is all moved, we’ll pick up some new mats to lay on the floor with the old ones to create a new, high and dry stall area for everyone. We’ll work back and forth between barn and garden as the other needs a hand.... We post new pictures of everything as soon as we get a little sun to shoot pictures...We’re MOVIN’ On MOVIN’ On!!!!!!!!!!! Whaaa whooo!!!!
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040037 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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