Friday, March 16

Friday, March 16, 2012...A Hundred Places to be...Without Desire In Any......

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Sitting here in the early morning gloom of what will surely be a rainy day; I sniff and snort, enjoying the sinus cold I’ve developed in the last two days. We have much to do today, starting with a visit to the blood taker in Leeds, for our quarterly blood test before our next Dr’s appointment, which is scheduled soon.
Once we are both jabbed, bleeding and released from the lab, we might travel to Hudson to pick up my new glasses which await me there. By then Vick and I will both be starved, but she loves to eat lunch at Spring Garden, a great Chinese restaurant. I could be just as happy eating a stack of pancakes from the Ambrosia Diner in Catskill for about three bucks...but it really doesn’t matter much to me anyway, since my taste buds are trashed with this cold. I think I would rather just sit on the couch and stay warm and constantly blow my nose. I used the neti pot last night for the first time and was thoroughly pleased with the results. I didn’t drown once and the salt solution was soothing.
I slept well initially, but I was awake from four o’clock on...watching TV oldies like Frasier and I Love Lucy, until six o’clock rolled around and I had to get up to leave the dogs out. I’m not sure that getting up at six was a good idea, because I can’t drink coffee or eat anything until we go to do the blood tests around ten o’clock. Being hungry makes it hard to enjoy the morning and experience my usual feelings...along with a sore nose from blowing it and the plain old crummy cold feeling. I believe cuddling under the horse blanket, sitting upright on the couch watching TV will get me by until ten o’clock... I just can’t feel too special this morning...not feeling miserable like this!

04640Friday6 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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