Tuesday, September 4

Tuesday, September 04, 2012...We’re Off To LaGuardia In The Morning...

Tomorrow at five AM, we’ll be up and running around getting ready to take off from here to get to LaGuardia to pick up Robin and Ken at 9:00 AM when they are slated to touch down....beginning a week long visit which all four of us are looking forward to in the worst way. We have been trying to come up with a bunch of places to go and visit in upstate New York, to Vermont & on into Massachusetts... not to mention all the many beautiful places here within a few miles of home that we can enjoy. Yesterday we finished the split rail corner posts on each side of the driveway and Vick put the flower gardens in and more flowers along the drive way on the wooded, west side. These are very invasive and will soon encompass all the wooded area on that side, creating a beautifully yellow flowered wall so thick...we won’t be able to see the ugly undergrowth in the woods there. We spent time in the hospice gift shop placing more pictures and items on the shelves, along with the two beautiful pieces of furniture our friend Isabelle gave us. It is really beginning to look good again since all the empty spaces are again filled. We are now planning to schedule a fall opening again.....this time, honoring Vick’s father. Last year on September 11th, we had our grand opening and Vick’s father played music on the front porch. We raised over a thousand dollars that one day! In October, Vick’s Dad was diagnosed with incurable cancer. With all the care necessary over the last eight months....doctors visits....hospital stays... etc., etc. we were unable to open the gift shop very often. We did have another week-end event around Halloween, but very few open days after that until after Vick’s Dad passed in June. This is why we want to do another major opening, dedicated to her Dad, raising more money for the hospice program this fall. Today, we will finish preparing for Robin and Ken’s arrival. When they are here tomorrow, we will begin a week long vacation with them. I will try to post blogs as I can during this next week....

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050856 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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