Friday, December 13

Snug As A Bug-In-A-Rug…But, Baby It’s Cold Outside…

Yes, this morning I opted to remain as the bug-in-a-rug… Snug and warm in my cozy, comfy bed, surrounded by Vick and the doggies. I was awake at 5:45 thanks to Kallie-Kat, because she has learned to lie on her side and stick her paw under the door and rattle it…making it sound like someone knocking. We made the mistake of thinking it was cute and letting her in some time ago. Bad decision! Now she “knocks” anytime of the night, making it a little difficult to remain in a sound sleep. Even though we know it is her, in a sound sleep, you don’t remember the little devil does that and you awaken every time! This morning it didn’t matter, because I was not rousing until paged by a dog in need of relieving itself outside. They aren’t that dumb and would burst before venturing out in sub freezing weather like this morning. I made it until 7:45 before Princess announced her need to brave the cold, so I relented and got up. It was 9° and gave them all incentive to “make” quickly. They were back inside in a matter of minutes and ready to return to the warmth of their beds (or mine, whichever they desired)

Yesterday was a banner day for me as far as getting things done. I made a roaring fire in the fiber shop and then went to work in the house taking care of things that have been pushed aside for awhile. Vick turned the animals loose, fed and watered, leaving me to my chores in the basement. I was working on three things at once, so I was pounded out the backorder of work on my list. I started installing the laundry sink for Vick, repaired the water leak above the doorway to the work bench area and made the new flyer assembly for the spinning wheel, which allowed me to finish the wheel later in the evening. Below are pictures of the original wheel and the finished picture after Vick spun some yarn on it.

We had no customers to the shop, but we don’t care because it gives us the chance to continue filling it and arranging the items as we want them before the secret is out that we are here and open. There aren’t too many places to get quality fiber, handmade yarns, knitted or woven clothing, good handmade fiber tools, spinning wheels close by. We are centrally located and when word gets out you can buy items made right here on the farm…including the actual fiber tools, I’m sure we will have lots of business. Vick is advertising in several papers and we’re placing flyers in stores around the area. I plan to make spinning wheels from scratch, patterned after the 1850’s style of the one below. They will be held together with wooden pins with no hardware except for the flyer axle and yarn guide tacks on the flyer. I plan to sell them under the price of the new ones, so you get old world charm and better pricing than the modern junk out there…My quality should equal Kromski symphony or the other top name competitors. The difference is that I will be making them one at a time…with patience and loving care.        

 Original wheel as it was when we got it...
 All that was left of the flyer assembly...
 The spool was shattered into four pieces.....

New items...wooden stick from wheel to peddle and spool...

 Ready to use, but not finished with oil yet...
 Finished front view...
 Finished back view...
New flyer assembly in place and producing yarn...
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071459 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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