Tuesday, May 6

One Project Down…Now Back To The Spinning Wheel For Awhile...

May 6, 2014…Today we finished the turkey brooding area I’ve been working on for the last two days. We now have a secluded area that measures six feet by twelve feet, where we have a shelf that will hold the two turkey incubators we will be filling around the 15th of this month when the clutch of eggs should begin pipping. After that, we will just begin another batch if the hens will set on them, stopping when they no longer sit on a nest. What better way to build a flock of heritage breed Royal Palm turkeys than to let the hens do all the work, right up to the time the chicks begin pipping? Once they pip the first egg, we will remove the clutch to the incubators and we will check the incubator daily, removing any hatched turkey chicks to a box under the incubator shelf which will have a heat lamp, water and medicated turkey starter feed. Those chicks will remain in the heated box until they gain their wings and can then be on the floor area in wood chips. At that point, they are big enough to no eat the wood chips and choke to death as they will when newly hatched. They must be kept on newspaper until they grow wing feathers to keep them from the wood chips. (These are the important little things you learn from past horrifying events, like when healthy turkey chicks simply die for no reason, and then you find wood chips in their throat.)
Anyway, below are pictures from start to finish. There are shelves to keep water bottles on to keep the humidity up in the incubator, spare heat lamp bulbs, tools and other items needed. I will have time to build the box underneath which will house the chicks with heat lamps, water and food. Tomorrow, I’ll have Josh remove all the old, dirty wood chips on the floor and replace them with bright new ones and we’ll be ready for the 15th.     
 Where we started two days ago....
Quickly the wall went up....
 The nearly finished incubator/brooding section...
 There will be a  heated, elevated "box" for the chicks...
 The finished bunny brothel side....
 We are down to three bunnies now...
 Wuzzie's cage on the wall...
Harry and BB's condominium suites... 
After I get Josh up to speed for the day, I’ll return to the basement to work on a blending board order I have, and then begin on the spinning wheel again. I need to devise a jig fixture to locate and drill the angled, tapered holes in the mainframe for the legs. Once made, I can use it to locate and drill the legs on each spinning wheel thereafter effortlessly. This is why it is taking so long for the first wheel to be finished. I am designing for the future as I go…But when finished, I will be able to make wheels fast and effortlessly.
Now it’s off to the drawing board to design and invent a jig fixture.
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072803 Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm, LLC

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