We were honored to receive this award from http://juliasnewjournal.blogspot.com/
Thank you Julie, for the honor and we think you are the real deal!
Here are the rules for the Marie Antoinette Award:
1. Please put the logo on your journal - Real People - Real Blogs.
2. Place a link from the person, from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate at least 7 if you can.
4. Put the links of those on your journal.
5. Leave a message on their journal to let them know.
6. Put the award on your sidebar/journal.
There are so many journals that probably deserve this award, but we are new to blogspot and haven‘t gotten to know that many people yet, so we can only recommend a few.
1 . The Chicken Chronicles...Again A Georgia “peach of a farmer” after our hearts. She’s a doin’ what we like doin’…….raising chickens.
2. Life on a Bison Farm A Pennsylvanian farmer lady that makes me homesick sometimes with those beautiful pictures!
3. Julia's New journal A hard working nurse that Vicki can understand and connect with. She spent many a day taking care of patients too. Good job Julie!!
4. Tennessee Granddaddy A retired Granddaddy in Tennessee that lifts my spirits with his wisdom & humor… Keep up the good work Jim. We love reading your blog!!
5. Ellipsis What a neat word and very neat ideas! It’s Carly…. A Californian photographer that sends some great pictures out! Has a weekly photo shoot contest.. How great!
7. One Day At A Time... also known as... Nice People in Googletown A lady bus driver from good old New Jersey… where Vicki used to live!! A nice lady with a lot to say.
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