Friday, December 19

Friday Eve, Dec. 19th…… What terrible snow?? phooey… it’s nothin’

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Well, it’s all over but the shoutin’…… and I ain’ta shoutin’…It’s nothin’… nothin’ at all. Now looking back to my younger years in Central Pa and seeing just the top foot or so of a telephone pole sticking up above a snowdrift was kinda bad. Or maybe a tractor trailer disappearing into drifted hollows where D9 caterpillars spent a week digging snow out and trucking it away, was kinda bad……… but this? Nah. It was nothin’. There is a little blast of snow still remaining to be seen as it sails past us soon, because the tail end of it is now just above Scranton, Pa and the front is over the Catskill Park, so it will be here soon. After that, it’s clear until Sunday.
I went out and fed all the critters and everything there was warm and cozy. The barn was actually warm inside with the snow insulating it. Everyone was all nested in and sleeping when I went in. I think I’ll just lounge this evening and watch Christmas programs on TV while I finish knitting the scarf I’ve been working on. It’s evident now that I can knit scarves for the Hospice Gift Shop along with Vick so she doesn’t have them all to do by herself. We should have quite a few to hang and sell in the Gift Shop for next winter and I can’t wait to knit some from the Alpaca & Angora fur we gather from our own animals, hand spin it and then knit items to sell…… ALL FROM HERE ON THE CLUCKIN’ “A” CRITTER FARM!! Can’t wait…… it should be fun and really, quite extraordinary….you know… a handmade, one-of-a-kind thing…… grown, harvested, processed and produced here on the farm. How cool?

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