Tuesday, December 30

Tues. Eve, Dec. 30th… What a day we’ve had!! Slow poky as can be..

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Well now…… I suppose I should report that today…… I was worthless, shiftless and lazy. Why…… all I did, was go to the bakery for some of the VERY BESTEST…… second to NONE… 3 bean Chili Stew and whole wheat sourdough bread in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD…… As Vicki would put it, It’s my very favorite thing in the whole, wide, world. And all this… I mean…… my extremely satisfied taste buds and contented belly would not have been so….. without the extraordinary, culinary talents of Master Chef, Reginald Ratcliff, Extraordinaire!! He, along with his lovely, Master Gourmet, Artisan Bread and Cake Baking wife Keren, should be held in high esteem and honored for their contribution of excellence to the Greenville area. Never have I found a better place to dine among friends and professionals alike. ( How’s that Reggie??)
Now, back to planet earth……… Seriously, The Two Kids Bake Shop beside the dollar store behind the Rite-Aid drug store in Greenville is an excellent place to go. They serve some delicious breakfast sandwiches and then soups and sandwiches until two in the afternoon from Tuesday to Friday. Everything is all natural, on homemade breads and rolls. Miss it and you’ve missed a real treat. Tell Reggie or Keren, that the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm sent you! We’re there every Tuesday for soup and bread!
When we came home, I just goofed off, the remainder of the afternoon, because Vick said it was too cold for me to be out there in the barn working, (it’s nice to be loved so much) so I just worked on the computer and read about Alpacas, bunnies and anything that came to mind. OHHHH!! I did place an order for boxes to ship Vicki’s “Remember Me” hospice heart’s in. That took all of 15 minutes…… 14 of which were wasted trying to use the USPS web site to order them.
Now I guess we should start thinking about what to eat for dinner……… Jeeze……… decisions, decisions, decisions. No sooner will we complete dinner than we’ll have to decide when to go to bed. Ahhhhh, Jeeze again……………………

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