Thursday, December 18

Wednesday Eve, Dec. 17th… Home after a day on the road……

We left for Albany this morning to go to the FedEx Kinkos store on State Street in downtown Albany. It is the master of all Kinkos and if you think I’m foolin’ ya, just look at the pictures of their store……… The Sistine Chapel may have prettier painted ceilings, but not by much!

Remove Formatting from selection

We went there to get business cards to advertise that we are selling our farm fresh, free range, chicken eggs. We wanted cards which we can drop here and there with our phone number and address on them. While we were there, we checked the prices and had two of Vick’s latest watercolors copied on watercolor paper, which came out beautifully……… far to lovely to warrant driving to New Jersey or paying the premium for Giclée prints made here in upstate New York. Also, since the copies are made on watercolor paper, Vick can highlight anything needed and number the print series copied. We needed to do this for the Hospice Gift Shop items she is painting every night, getting ready for spring when I will build the gift shop. She will already have a full compliment of items to stock the shelves when it’s ready to open.
Once finished making art prints, we went to the Honey Ham Store and check on our order for Christmas eve. We tasted several side orders and settled on one, the ham and dessert. After a bit more running around, we came home and fed the animals. Tomorrow I’ll feed the animals early and then…… maybe just nurse this sinus headache I have now and will have when I awaken……… I just know it will be there, but morning heat at the pellet stove and a cup of steaming coffee will straighten it up!!!!

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