Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year from the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm……

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Well we’re into a new year and nothing seems better or worse…!
Isn’t it odd how we celebrate New Years Eve, at the crack of mid-night…… thousands of people at Time Square waiting for the ball to drop and people all over the United States partying and acting crazy, then the next day it’s a ho-hum…… yeah, yeah, kinda what the hell, who cares thing!!!!! Once that little ball drops….it’s all over but the drinkin’ I guess. And so far today…… it’s nothing any more special than any ordinary day of the week or year. I cleaned the pellet stove good today, refilled it and fired it off, then sat in front of it knitting another scarf for the Hospice program. This time it will be a solid blue scarf…… plain, but functional. I’d really like to spin the Alpaca wool we picked up from Isabelle, into one of these scarves for myself. It would be so soft and warm. Alpaca is five times warmer than sheep’s wool, 100% allergenic free and much finer, therefore far more luxurious than any of the cashmere wools. Alpaca wool spins like butter…… and feels great next to the skin, so it is said.
Anyway, I went out to feed the animals and found it to be about 28 degrees in the new barn, 30 degrees in the duck and chicken house and about the same in the brooding house. Thank goodness we have the heat lamps for individual heating for the critters. We pulled double duty on the bunny heat lamps, using them to keep their water bottles from freezing and allowing the bunnies to take advantage of the heat by sitting close to the water bottle and sucking up the heat too. This morning 3 of the four bottles were frozen at the very bottom near the metal, sippy tube…… the farthest distance from the heat lamp also……approximately 14” to 16”… Well, anyway, I had to thaw the tubes on those three watering bottles, refilled them and moved the heat lamps as close to all four of them and directed the lights directly at the bottle.
Later in the day, we went to our friend Charlie and Joan’s house down the road, to find they were away, so we went to Albany and had dinner at the “Capital Buffet”, on Wolf Road. Then came home. That my friends is what the first day of 2009 went like for Vick and I. Had we known last night……… perhaps we wouldn’t have celebrated so hard……
By my saying “Happy New Year…… And a whoop-de-doo……… as Vicki Smiled………

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