We’re tired of this cold crap. We want spring!!!! We were tempted and tantalized by the warm, sunny spring days of last week and we want more. We made Vick’s appointment with Dr. Lee in Tannersville today and she feels a little bit better. She needs to feel better…… as does her Dad, because we all want to go to the flower show in Troy on the 28th and Joe had a bad attack of gout in his knee. He should be ok by the time of the flower show, because he took his medicine and it worked pretty good because in twenty-four hours or so, the redness was out of his knee and he could stand to leave the covers touch his knee. Before the medicine, anything that touched it caused pain. I think Vicki will be squared away until then too.
Carol L. our neighbor down the road, and fellow artist, came over this evening for us to cut some matt’s for her watercolor paintings. She has two that are gallery quality and look really so much more professional once matted. She forgot the glass on one, so we could only finish the one, but we will finish it tomorrow evening. She is a nice girl and a nurse too. Seems like everyone we know up here is either Italian, a nurse or an artist……… and maybe all three. Unfortunately the next gathering of our group at the library, to paint, is going to be on one of the nights we promised Richie we would positively come to his house for dinner, so we will miss painting that evening and then look forward to the next ones in May and June. Well, it’s now 11:00 so I’m going to finish up here and eat dinner before it turns into breakfast.
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