Wednesday, March 25

Wed March 25th… Taxes Done… 501-c Done… ISBN App Done…

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Done…Done…Done… All done! I finally got all the tax crap completed this morning and into the mail at the post office. After doing so, I concentrated on the requirements for a “Conflict of Interest Policy” to finish up the application of the 501-C(3) designation for the Nature’s Friend’s of Hospice, Inc. entity we have formed. It will soon be printed, packaged and in the mail to be approved as a 501-c(1) or a 501-c(2), which ever the federal government decides to determine we should be. We have already qualified with them as a 501-C(3), which was the first step. You cannot get the other designation before first satisfying that, so we’re over half way there.
We had to create an “Articles of incorporation”, A “Charitable Trust Declaration”, the “Conflict of Interest Policy” and then get a declaration from the Columbia - Green County Hospice, stating that they were a qualified charitable organization and that they were willing to except all donations from Nature’s Friend’s of Hospice, Inc.
Having all this in hand, all we need to do now is finish filling out the thirty page application and affix this other packet of paperwork and sent it off to the Federal Government.
We’ll keep after this, to get it completed, so we can get the materials list together for the hospice gift shop materials……… and have Jeff come over and see about pouring and finishing off a concrete slab, where it goes out front. When that is completed… and we get the materials…… we will be in the building mode again. Sounds like fun, Huh?
If there is any idle time waiting on any of these things to happen, we still have the upstairs lighting and receptacles to run in the barn loft and then, outside run lighting in the chicken area too, which will be on a dusk to dawn control.

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