Yesterday, we took a ride to Woodstock, then on to the Door Jamb in Shokan, where we were purchased the door and six windows for our Hospice Gift Shop. The owner and his wife were more than hospitable, as soon as they found out what we were doing and their workers were very accommodating and helpful with trying to find nice windows, to accent the appearance of the planned building. When we are finished building the gift shop, we will place a bronze plaque saying:
"Windows by Door Jam of Shokan, New York."
We feel that by discounting their product to us…. they have actually helped donate to the Columbia-Greene County Hospice Program too. There will also be a plaque saying: "Concrete work by Jeff Brush Construction of Greenville, New York." As we continue to build and finish up this project, we will add a plaque for anything discounted or donated toward this building, because it really should be a community endeavor, whether we had to initiate it or not. We plan to receive donations of artwork and other new items, to offer for sale in the gift shop, where we will tag every item with the information about the individual donations and who made them. By doing so, we will provide each and every donator with a receipt, to be used at tax time, so they receive the deduction for their donation.
We also decided yesterday, not to wait on anyone to do anything, so we will dive into the bunny section we are adding onto the rear of the barn tomorrow, by marking the post hole location. We will then start digging the holes, add the posts and buy the 2x4’s and what we need to frame out the building. We have enough board and batten under the alpaca porch to completely side it and once we set the rafters, can install metal roofing available quickly from Lowe’s. We can also make sure we get the lumber here for the rear deck roof project. That way, when Herman is ready to help, we can start on that project too. By doing everything in this manner will facilitate completion of all these projects early, so we can enjoy the summer like we said before. We love it when a plan comes together!
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