Saturday, April 11

Sat. Eve, April 11th… It’s never what it seems… at least I don't think so…

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Today we didn’t do anything I said we would this morning. The wiring didn’t get done… none of it. Why? Because I felt that familiar pull between my shoulder blades when I went to get a cup of coffee after blogging and I decided with the chill and dampness in the air, the fact that Vick’s entire family is in the sick zone and then that recurring sharp stab in my back… I figured the heck with it. I mentioned later to Vicki that I feel like we’re behind schedule with getting the building stuff started and all, but it’s early yet! I need to keep this in mind and not do anything stupid that will jeopardize our summer plans, so I decided to lay back and take it easy. That said..... Vicki then decided, today would be a good day to head to Albany and pick up her supplies for her projects, which are in process. She needed cherry blossoms and some other things for her hospice projects which we picked up. We had lunch at Ichiban’s and then we went several other places.
We are going to Monticello next week to look at a yearling cria… a little male Huacaya, that is ¼ Accoyo. We talked to Isabelle to see what she thought of him and she confirmed that he will be a nice long, well crimped and fine wool animal to add to our herd. It will also give us another unproven male should we be lucky to find a good female somewhere in the future. We could then choose to breed her to Iggy or Bollero. (his full name is Peaceful Breeze Bollero) Vicki is looking for a cria to be close to… starting out as buddies so it will come to be fussed over. Luke will want that some time soon, but Iggy may never trust us enough to be snuggled…… It’s a pleasant thought to go out and watch these domestic camalids browse and remain so docile…… peaceful… at ease. They are extremely fun to watch and therapeutically good for your nerves and perpetuate calmness. Vicki just got an email from Isabelle and she has volunteered to go along down to Monticello on Tuesday to pick up the little boy cria, named Bollero and help us bring him home. We will put him in the rear of the pickup, for the ride home. Below are some pictures of a pair of swans on the Athens reservoir, some wild turkeys on Schoharie Turnpike, a few doves on the rear deck, our alpacas and chicks. The last alpaca picture is of Bollero…… the little guy we want to get on Tuesday.

A lovely swan

Mr. and Mrs. Swan. Later we'll see a little of little ones. We'll take pictures.....

A Gobbler withan eight inch beard

♪ ♪ ♪ Three doves in a barel..... ♫ ♫

Luke and Iggy

This is little Bellero... We'll get him on Tuesday, hopefully.

Chick, chick, chick.... a little song for me.....♫ ♫

All five of the little guys are doing great!

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