This is a continuing story of two people, four dogs, three barn cats, 8 pet turkeys, 6 guinea fowl, 20 ducks, 125 chickens, 1 rabbit, 5 alpacas, 4 sheep, a Llama, A Sicilian Micro-mini donkey, a Sicilian mini donkey and her baby and their life long dream to run a little 9 acre farm in upstate New York. After you read the blog entries, go to our regular farm web site, and then to our wonderful farm and fiber Shop that we built and opened in 2011. The links are on the left.
Sunday, April 12
Sunday April 12th… Happy Easter! Remember why we celebrate it…
Adults should remember Easter for what it really is. Let the little kids chase the Easter bunny, colored eggs and baskets full of treats…… because all to soon, those kids will realize what Easter is really about. They will all grow up and realize there is no Easter bunny and the image of it was made to allow them to have a happy, carefree childhood, while we grownups wallow in the filth and despair of the world…… trying constantly to shield our little ones from the reality of life. The hard part is getting them by their teen years, where it is our responsibility to guide and educate our children about right and wrong… good and evil… God and Jesus and all things good. It matters not to me, if you follow Judaism, Islamic or Christian belief, or any of the other 19 listed beliefs…… as long as you believe in God and all his creations… denounce the dark prince and love your fellow man, for then, you’re on the right path and we can all become better and more righteous. Remember, no matter the religion, what they call their God... or what they believe, they are honoring and worshiping GOD.
Wouldn’t it be nice if no one ever looked down their nose, because of what you believe? Can’t folks realize that we all answer for what we do…… not what those around us do or think. Can’t they understand that it is not our place to judge right or wrong? Just do as you please…… as you believe and respect those around you as they do the same. I’m not Jewish, but I can enter a Jewish home, that invites me and celebrate Passover, Chanukah or just a plain Shabbat dinner and rejoice in their religious belief's, as simply honoring God. This then is true of any other religious denomination, anywhere…anytime. It doesn’t change what I believe… it doesn’t take anything away from my beliefs either, but it does allow me to love my neighbor and God. Do yourself a favor and celebrate God as our creator every day and anytime you can join in during a holiday, no matter the name or religion… just join in and worship God. Today….that’s all we will do……
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