Saturday, April 11

Saturday April 11th… Looks like the rain is done for now… Happy chickens today!!!!!

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Looks like all the critters will again be able to spend the day out and about, as they loved to do. The rain has diminished and it looks like fair to sunny weather for the entire next week. I’m glad, because the chickens love to be out free ranging all over the yard and we have a lot of yard work to perform. We will be starting to build the hospice gift shop and putting a porch roof on over the picnic table, BBQ grill and rear door, to end our dampened use of the rear deck. Vicki and I will then be able to sit out there and enjoy the back yard and Pupskill lake views, even in an all day drizzle this summer…… How nice that’s gonna be. I might even be able to take the laptop out there and write my books in the fresh air. How cool!
I’m about to venture out to turn the crew of animals loose for the day and see if we have any new chicks hatched, or starting to hatch this morning. We’re up to five now with the two orphans Isabelle placed in our care. It would have been six, but one died in the shell yesterday, while we were gone for an hour. Strange…… it should have continued to hatch and been fine. There must have been something wrong with it…… oh well… you know what they say… you can’t fool mother nature. These things happen for the best, even though we don’t always see the best in them.
Today will be a good day to install some lights in the loft area of the barn. If we can perform that… and install some receptacles…… the barn wiring will be completed. Sounds like a good plan on a rainy morning and by the time we’re finished…… I bet the sun will be shining and it will be a warm, beautiful day to behold.

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