Thursday, April 30

Thurs. April 30th… The last day… Tomorrow Starts a New Month…

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Good evening from the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm… The home of many happy, contented and SPOILED critters! We have been extremely busy today trying to finish up the boards and Battens on the “Bunny Brothel” extension to the barn.
First off, I must apologize to all you loyal readers for not blogging this morning, but I hit the bunny brothel early and as soon as Vick got up, she joined me and became the measurer, cutter, trimmer, operator of the DeWalt saw lady and I called out the numbers, placed boards and used the air nail gun with ring nails to hold the boards in place. As you can see below, we did finish, except for the gable end, which I wanted to leave until we can set the roof rafters and then we’ll finish it.
We are now awaiting the darkness to usher the animals into the buildings, so we can close up and head for Paul’s to have dinner. We worked our butts off today and we’re ready to have some chow now.
The knot heads that were scheduled to come and put our new pool liner in didn’t bother to show up today…… nor did they bother to call to tell us that they would not be coming. Of course when Vicki told him we were expecting him he got an attitude. I really don’t like the Ass anyway, because he put the make on a visitor we had here the last time he was here, which we didn’t care for either. He’s one of those guys who likes to undress women with his eyes or talk to their breasts, as if they will answer. He’s just a pretty boy, low life and I try my damndest to keep quiet, but this time I may not. (if he acts up) I know Vick will set him straight if he says anything out of line to her, but she shouldn’t have to say anything, because he should keep his mouth shut and install the pool liner and then leave.
Tomorrow we’ll be back to our regular blogging routine of morning and evening. See you all then.

Side of the Brothel seen from the road

Front end... Looks like an old west Brothel.

Turned out really nice.

Plumb, Level and Square as can be!

All the ducks and the Guinea hens are gonna vote on it.

Ol Vick Donald had a farm......

I love the smile! It's always a million dollar smile... and it's all mine!

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