Wednesday, April 29

Wed. April 29… We Did Good… But it Just Never Suits Me… Never……

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We got a bunch of work accomplished today, ate at the Two Kids Bakery at lunch time, finished with the foundation work on the hospice gift shop, as far as I could and then went to the bunny house where we finished the framing and have an eight foot wall already covered in boards. Tomorrow we will pick up with the board and batten again. I think we’ll take the DeWalt portable circular saw and I can cut battens while Vick measures and cuts the 10” boards. That way, I can install both the boards and the battens at one time, rather than doing it a separate, second time. It’s 8:00 PM and we’ve been at it since this morning, so we just hung it up until tomorrow. We’re going to Frank’s Greene Hill Café for dinner, but must wait for the critters to go in at dark. Once it gets dark enough that you can no longer see, they will march right into their quarters without hesitation. Try putting them away before dark and you better have all the National Guard and the other branches of the service to help too, because they just won’t go in!!!!!
With everything we did get done… we didn’t get the ridge board made, glued, clamped and nailed, so it would be ready for the day Herman shows up to put the roof up. I would have liked to have Jeff here with the crew to put the front on the foundation and the upper tier of 2x6’s so I could finish the stone work with the haunch too. See, we really never get enough done……………………

We've started the board covering.

Luke was watching us all afternoon

Rear side toward the alpaca's pasture.

Front side of the new bunny house.

End view and exit doorway

Hospice gift shop foundation

Doesn't it seem like nature works against us from the very beginning?

A view of the haunch around the perimeter

Around the drain tile

Vicki walking Timmy and Tina home for the evening.

Down over the fence and out into the swamp.......

This is where all our spring peepers reside... Click on this picture to enlarge it. It's a beautiful wetland...

Who do ya think we should blame for this one??

End view of the new bunny house from the pasture.

Ya gotta go slow with Timmy after he was aflicted with that lungworm. We think it is a chronic condition of leasions in the lungs or some kind of severe respiratory damage.

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