Last evening when we tried to put the alpacas in the barn for the night, they led us on a merry chase around the pasture, for about twenty minutes, before we finally decided they could just stay out if they wanted. Isabelle told us that they were free to be in or out at her place and that we didn’t have to worry about coyotes with Iggy here. We did close the barn though, because Timmy and Tiny reside in the barn entry and are defenseless against predators. Iggy and Luke can get under the roofed porch, had a full bale of hay, water and all the grass they could eat, so I don’t think they faired too badly in the deal. I’ll go out as soon as I’m done blogging and open the door and give them some feed, which they’ll love.
We need to check on the chicks (2) that hatched and see if we have any new beaks popping through the shell on the other eggs in the incubator. The ducks won’t start hatching until the 14th, I think. That should be a real trip…… they are twice as active and four times as loud as chicks. I love to watch them as they run around during their busy day, eating and drinking, nuzzling one another and cocking their head to the side to look at you, every now and then. They’re so comical……
I started ground breaking for the hospice gift shop last evening, so this morning some time, I’ll resume digging and leveling the site that it will reside on. Once the foundation area is down & level, we will frame and pour a fifteen by twenty concrete floor. Once that is finished off, the plate bolts inserted and fully dried, we can start to erect the building itself……… that said…… I guess I better get off by duff and order the lumber for the structure, Huh?
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