Saturday, May 2

Sat. May 2nd… A good day to finish the “Bunny Brothel”……

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This morning is lovely. It’s cool, clear and there is a nice breeze blowing to keep you from sweating down into your shoes. We will enjoy being out there working on the “Bunny Brothel”, being around the animals and soaking up the sunshine.

This is the time of year that is most favorable to outdoor people, because you can be comfortable, smell all the odors of spring… the flowers and earth as it warms in the mid-day sun…… the smell of the alpaca beans which now have added the pleasant fragrance of a barn and the smell of the pines as the wind softly whispers as it brushes past their needles of many. It is truly a time to behold as we try to get as much completed as possible.
It looks as though we will be able to work on the hospice gift shop exclusively, as soon as Jeff’s guys come and finish the wooden frame around the foundation. We have talked to Herman and he has offered to supply a professional and himself to completely install the rear deck roof for us. Since I won’t have to work on it at all, Vick and I can concentrate solely on the hospice house; full time. ]
We will be entertaining Joe and Anita here late this afternoon, for their wedding anniversary which was yesterday, May 1st. Rich, Rob and the kids will be here too, so we will have a nice dinner to celebrate their anniversary. We’ll work for a little while this morning, and then stop to get cleaned up and prepare for their arrival.
We’ll snap a few pictures today of the Bunny Brothel too………

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