Sunday, May 3

Sun. May 3rd… It Appears to Be a Lousy Overcast Day for All……

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Things are not always what they seem... Life is good here on the Cluckin’ “A” Critter Farm. We have our little aches and pains just like everyone else in the world and we manage to do what needs done just like everyone else. I am more and more amazed, as I watch things on the farm change, almost on a daily basis. The dream I’ve had all my life is finally coming true in every aspect of the word. I have Vicki to share it with too. All I ever wanted was to be loved by a person that wanted the same in return; someone to understand me, share my likes and dislikes and smile when I did something stupid or frown when I was sad or feeling bad. I must say, I have found all that and more.
I awake every morning to a loving person at my side, which smiles and is happy to be there, no matter how badly she feels or how little sleep she got during the night. I arise to start the day, looking over what we have amassed together…… the things we have built together. These are all things we have both ached for, our entire lives. Things we felt envious of when we saw others enjoying them in their lives, where they made their dreams come true. How I love walking to the barn, knowing that the alpacas will be waiting their morning feeding. I also enjoy leaving all the chickens free to roam and watching the ducks going out, single file, into the pond, as they quack and make their daily plans. Everything Vick and I do in adding to the farm, ends up being another stepping stone to things we never figured to achieve. We are looking forward to the kick-off of the Hospice Gift Shop and being able to write checks to the local hospice office in Catskill, knowing that the funds we’ve raised will help to supply more quality to all persons nearing life’s end while in the program’s care. We also now are pursuing the “Pride of New York” program certification, which will also make us members of the NYSEQAP, which is the “New York State Egg Quality Assurance Program”, which will allow us to market our eggs and let everyone know that we adhere to cleanly, safe quality products here on the Cluckin’ “A Critter Farm. Once we’ve attained this distinction, we can apply for membership in the “Pride of New York” program and display the sign below on our sign post above the farm sign. Everything we do is and feels like a lifetime achievement goal for both of us.
Click on the “follower button” in the Followers section on the left side bar and become one of our regular followers on the blog. And watch as we continue to add to the farm and you too can enjoy what we have. We are always open to visits from folks that read our blog and those that are just passing by. Stop in, call or email us. We’ll be glad to have you visit.

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