Tuesday, May 26

Tues May 26th... What’s Goin On Here Anyway? Is It Springtime or A What???

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Yesterday was a beautiful, sunny, eighty degree day. We all sat on our deck and ran the BBQ grill, visited and chatted until late in the evening. It was then that things started to go to pot, so to speak... Over night, the temperature dropped to frigid levels, nearing the frost zone again as it had last week. Now today, it’s dreary, cold and windy. It seems to be a prelude to what they are calling for tomorrow, which is a chilly, rainy day. We need the rain badly, as is evident by the level of the duck pond and the Pupskill Lake Pond in the back yard. It appears to be about a foot below normal at this point and they just said this morning that the rain index for this month should be around 15 to 17 inches and we are at 9 inches right now... almost half the normal amount.

Casey has been spayed. We dropped her off at Maple Ridge Veterinary Hospital at 8:30 this morning and when we called at noon, they said she was awake and doing well. We will pick her up at 3:30 and bring her home. At the same time, we are taking Dutchess and Princess for their limes shot.

All the bunnies went to Reggie and Keren’s house Sunday afternoon. They own the Two Kids Bakery and their daughter and son are having a ball watching them. One bunny had a litter of three last night and they are delighted. We were tickled to give the seven bunnies and two cages to them for the kids to raise and watch. Vicki did keep the one male, that she calls Wuzzie and will keep him in the new bunny house with the Angora’s which will come in July sometime.

The hospice gift shop is now started. We have the front wall almost built and ready to raise and sit into position. The next several days may be rainy and we may not get back to building out there until next week, but at least it’s started.

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