Wednesday, May 27

Wed. May 27th... Five More Chicks Hatch and Duck Eggs Go In Hatch Box...

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Remove Formatting from selectionLast evening, there were four eggs cracked, with little chirping beaks, protruding from each. This morning, I found five chicks in there... three dry and ready for the brooding box, feed and water, the other two, still needing to dry. That told me they had just escaped the egg. So far, we have hatched a total of 14 chicks from the eggs out of the barn nests and there are still more to go. Today was the 25th day for the first slew of duck eggs in the incubator too. I put them over into the hatching box for the next three days. They should hatch out on the 28th day, and then we’ll have a new “Rat Pack” crew of young ducks. Soon the rest of the eggs in the turner incubator will go to the hot air incubator to hatch and we will fill the other incubator turner assembly with more chick eggs. Perhaps we should start another hen kept brood nest in the barn and mark the eggs with the blue pen again daily until there are enough to constitute pulling and incubating. It seems easier to do.

Casey Mae is doing much better this morning, Last evening; she was slow, dopey and had chills from the anesthesia. That all continued until we went to bed and I can tell you that the dog and I slept far better than the nurse! I knew when we started into this, that Vick would not take her eyes off of Casey Mae while she was downstairs, OR when we went to bed. Sleeping last night was out of the question for Vick. I awoke several times as Vicki was stretching out over the edge of the bed, to be sure Casey Mae was still breathing and OK. Now that she is no longer under the influence of the anesthesia, she and Vicki are both snoozing on the bed. I told her she might as well, because we aren’t going anywhere for awhile because of leaving her alone. If she is doing well this evening, we’ll take her along to the library for Stanley’s last scheduled watercolor session. If she isn’t able, we’ll miss the class, that’s all. Stanley would understand.

Later this afternoon, I might opt to work on the interior door opening for the “Bunny Brothel” where the rabbits used to be. I can also work on hanging a cage for Wuzzie, who is still with us. All the rest of the bunnies went to the kids from Two Kids Bakery and are now being watched regularly!! We hope Ian and Anna learn much from them and enjoy raising them. Reggie, their Dad, said the one just had a litter of three babies, which will be very educational for the kids to follow.

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