Busy, Busy, Busy here on the Cluckin' "A" Critter Farm.........
We have three of the four cages completely done with the exception of cutting the doors. Two are hung in the Bunny Brothel, one is on the floor of the barn and one is on the saw horses... to be completed tomorrow. Ahhhhh yes.... tomorrow... Tomorrow is gonna be one of those “busier than a armless monkey in a banana factory” day’s, you can bet on that. We will start early with the Farmer’s Market, which lasts until 1:00 PM, then we have to go to Claudia’s to pick up the bunnies or we can’t get them until next Thursday, which is no good. After returning from Hudson with the bunnies and getting them into a cage with feed and water, we will run to Tannersville for our friend Jimmy’s Daughter Ashley’s graduation party. We can stay there for a bit, but then must return to finish the cages and get the bunnies settled in properly. They are quite an investment, both fragile enough and expensive enough that we must be super attentive to their needs and care. I thought for sure we would finish the cages, but working with that wire is murder on sore hands. We also went to Tannersville to visit Lee our friend, and then went to a new restaurant we have wanted to try in Saugerties. It was a little pricey, but as good as any fine eatery in New York City...... very tasty!
We filled our gas tank at $2.67 a gallon while there, because it’s still $2.81, if we buy it at home from our local merchants, who appreciate our business. (Or is giving us the business)
I suppose I should ready our stuff for tomorrow when we are at the Farmer’s Market. It never hurts to put things in order the night before, so you don’t have to tax a sleeping head first thing in the morning. A person could blow a gasket or something......... Sorry there are no pictures of the brothel or the cages just yet, but tomorrow we will have bunny pictures too. (later in the evening when we return with the bunnies.)
We filled our gas tank at $2.67 a gallon while there, because it’s still $2.81, if we buy it at home from our local merchants, who appreciate our business. (Or is giving us the business)
I suppose I should ready our stuff for tomorrow when we are at the Farmer’s Market. It never hurts to put things in order the night before, so you don’t have to tax a sleeping head first thing in the morning. A person could blow a gasket or something......... Sorry there are no pictures of the brothel or the cages just yet, but tomorrow we will have bunny pictures too. (later in the evening when we return with the bunnies.)
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