Friday, June 26

Friday June 26th... IF We Build Them... They Will Come... Anytime Now!!!!!!

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We finished the lights, receptacles and installed the wall mounted exhaust fan to control the room temperature in the bunny brothel, so today will be “finish the cages day”. We have three to finish which we started earlier this week, but dropped to finish the above tasks. Now we can install the floor on the one and tops and floors on the last two. Once completed, we’ll hang them in the brothel and take pictures for all to see the finished room and the ducks and chickens temporarily housed there until large enough to move to the adult chicken house across the barn. It’s really rather nice to care for all your animals under one roof and I could stand going to the other side of the yard to take care of the brooding house, but it is portable too, so who knows... some day we might mover it over to the barn area. It seems that all new chickens prefer the new barn somewhere along the line as they grow, because they end up over there. (Perhaps, it’s the classical music we play in the barn) Many times, there are a large group of chickens roosted next to the radio in the afternoon... and they stay there until the next morning! We’ll contact Claudia and see when it is convenient to pick up our baby bunnies today I suppose, so I need to get crackin’! I have a lot to do and still need to make sure we are set to go tomorrow. It’s another Farmer’s Market in town. We’re gonna be ready this time!

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