Monday, June 15

Mon June 15th... Into Every Life A Lot of Rain Will Fall... Especially Today.....

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The sky was an ominous gray, angry color this morning... leading one to believe that this day will be one of little sunshine. Then, upon checking the forecast, I saw that there is to be a little rain during the day and scattered thundershowers this evening again.

Today, we are taking Joe, Vick’s Dad, to his first therapy session this afternoon at 1:00 PM. It is right here in Greenville and we have already been informed that Joe will probably be going home... like it or not.... and against our better judgement..... Even before the therapist has an opportunity to see his knee, start working with him therapeutically or even had a chance to give her recommendation. Had we known the decision was iron clad, we would have made the appointment in Windham, which would have been much closer for the everyday trip. We just figured he could stay here and only be two miles from the therapy and continue with one level living until the therapy built his muscles back up for the steps at home. Being in his position a few years back, when I suffered the same injury to my knee, I found you can turn the wrong way, or perhaps step wrong and create further trauma, re-tearing the weakened meniscus again. It isn’t hard to do because of the weakened condition...hence, the need for professional therapy and their recommendations!
Oh well... so be it. Perhaps the Therapist will recommend to stay on the single level lifestyle another week and they might just listen. If not, Joe will be treading stairs with twists and partial width steps where they turn corners... creating a very dangerous condition for a mending knee.

I guess he’s needed at home......

Onward, we shall go.

Vick and I shall begin working on all the loose ends here again now. We have a hospice gift shop sitting in the rain... a rear deck roof project setting in the rain... a bunny brothel in need of lights and receptacles and we need to manufacture and install four new bunny pens in the new bunny area. If it rains as they are calling for, it looks as though we will concentrate on the wiring and bunny cages. Our Alpaca boys will enjoy the company. They love to watch us as we work around them.

NEWS FASH...... Barbie and Boobie have officially returned for the season!
We’ve included a picture of their latest “garden antics” observed as we drove past recently. We found them on a little back road, on the way to New Scotland last summer. We were driving to and from Guilderland everyday, while going to Vick’s spinal decompression therapy. Once we found them, we continued to report on them until late in the season when they went away for the fall and winter. Now they’re back, with their frequent messages and greetings we receive as we pass by. Stay tuned to us and we’ll report on them as the summer progresses. They make us smile a lot!

Thought for the Day...... If you don’t watch your puppy very well during a summer rainstorm, there will be muddy footprints that someone must clean up... even if you don’t!

Barbie and Boobie, celebrating Memmorial Day.
As you can see, Barbie is holding Bebe.. the new addition last year.

This is our favorite spot along route 81. It's a beautiful beaver pond.

Here's Mr. Beaver now.....

This is one of Bunnice Kay's little ones. Bunnice Kay has lived under our deck ever since we moved in...

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