Tuesday, June 16

Tuesday, June 16th... What’s the deal??? Rain, drought, Sun, Hail, Cold or Hot...

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Man o man... we never know what to expect anymore! Yesterday, we took Joe to his scheduled therapy session and afterward, quickly ran to Agway to pick up a chick watering bottle and was caught in a pretty fierce downpour with some lightning and really dark clouds. Until we got home, it was all over, but we could see the extent of the downpour by the numerous deep puddles of rain standing all over the yard. Later in the evening, Vicki and I went to Albany to pick up a few things and while traveling through Guilderland at approximately 6:00 PM, we snapped the pictures below. There was a dense fog hanging in the air that touched the ground and was about ten feet high. Above that the air was crystal clear. It was the temperature differential with all the hail lying on the ground. When we later left the Buca di Beppo restaurant, after a delicious meal, Vick mentioned that the evening was as chilly a fall evening and would be a beautiful night to sleep. We began our trip home from shopping around 10:30 PM and the hail was still lying in the streets and grassy areas. When we arrived at home, we had coffee and cake with Vick’s parents and then we retired to the upstairs bedroom for the night.

Today we will work outside for awhile. We have more rafters to cut and place on the gift shop, some grass to cut and we might be able to turn the birds loose from the day. We’ll see how it goes and what the weather station says is in store for us.

Imagine how deep it was when it happened!

This was a good half hour after it hit!
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