Saturday, June 6

Sat. June 6th... Started off Great this Morning... Just to Crash & Burn

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We got up this morning with the intentions of securing the ridge board for the rear deck roof, so I gathered the straight ladder, lumber, tools and the special six inch bolts I bought to secure a support board and a gusset. Before actually starting the job, Vick wanted to go to the bakery and grab some cakes and Danish for her Mom and Dad to have with their coffee, so we went to the bank and hit the bakery. Until I got home, my psoriasis was so kicked up that my fingers felt like I was hitting them with a hammer and it was coming on strong. I’ve had this for some time now, and I can tell when it is going to be an issue lasting the entire day and today was one of those! I went upstairs and laid across the bed, watching TV for several hours, before coming down and at least, getting the support board up, along with a gusset and two side angles to keep the ridge board from flipping sideways, dumping the roof. I now have it securely lagged into the last solid logs before the log siding. It will remain safely in position now.

Tomorrow, we must install the door in the “Bunny Brothel” so we can put the Bantams in there and move the Araucanas over; splitting the area we now have cut into thirds.

For now... I’m getting ready to go upstairs, because my everything hurts right now. The damned psoriasis I have affects every part of my body inside and out.

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